Monday 23 April 2012

There's a drought?

There's a drought going on here in the UK...
I'm not making this up. Well It's the wettest drought I've ever seen that's for sure. And I'm sick of the rain. Even if it does make pretty patterns on the window...

But blue skies are coming, I can see them sneaking through...


  1. We're in a serious drought here too, the winter was not snowy enough and the spring not rainy at all. Until yesterday when the rains arrived and have yet to let up - massive down pours! But we need it!

  2. Ohh ive missed you on Twitter too girl! No pressure of course.
    Take your time.. its good to have a break every now and again. x

  3. So you and now I have like 5 posts to catch up with. sending you some sun-rays . xoxo

  4. Love these window shots. The rainbow like one is really cool, but that one above it may be my fav. Sorry for all the rain, but way to get some fab photos out of it! Thanks for linking to our spring challenge!

  5. Love these! I've always wanted to capture shots like these on my windows, but the rain here just won't cooperate. :(

    Thanks for joining us in the Leap Into Spring Photo Challenge. I'm so sorry for showing up late. I'm still recovering from surgery and playing catch-up. I hope you'll understand. Have a great weekend!
