Tuesday 28 April 2015

Planting seeds...

Still loving the blossom in our garden you guys!

And I also love this moment every year...

Planting our vegetable patch with the boys!!!
If i'm honest with you guys, it never quite goes as smoothly as it looks in the pictures...

So sweet huh? Lucas always walks, no runs over the soil where we just planted the seeds. And we all shout 'Lucas no!!!'.They both want to use all the gardening tools and dig where I don't want them too. Like all over the garden. Me and Tim both say 'wait and minute...' and 'hang on not yet' over and over. Still I love it and the best part is that it ALWAYS ends with us spraying each other with the hose.
Every single time. I mean it starts out pretty sensible...

But it quickly escalates to this...
I join in obviously...
And I win...

So much fun.*sigh* I can't wait to see those first little shoots come through, probably in the wrong spot...
Thank you for that Lucas.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

What I learned last week...

The last few weeks have been great. It's spring, we had the Easter holidays and lots of chocolate which hurts my tummy but anyways. But unusually the children's schools holidays did not line up with Tim's teaching school holidays. This meant that for the first week Tim was home they were still at school. It was kind of awesome because he could take them to school and pick them up. The boys found this exciting and equally I found not doing it for once really exciting. It also meant we could go out in the day time together
without children!
    It was weird, we kept looking at the back of the car like Where's our children? Have we left them somewhere? We went for Lunch. We went food shopping. I forgot how easy it is without children. I could really take my time. (I'm not sure how much Tim or our bank account enjoyed that fact...)We had friends over for a tasty brunch. We hung out, it was really nice.
    But it also meant that after Easter there was a week where Tim had gone back to school and I would be at home with the boys on my own. I was kind of dreading it. I don't know why. I thought maybe it would be hard to keep them happy and occupied every day on my own. But I learned something I had forgotten.
Pretty much the one  thing that my children want the most in this whole world is to hang out with us, play with us and have our complete attention. That's it. Not expensive toys or big trips out. Just us.
I mean how long will last last? How long until they would much rather hang out with friends or play on their futurist awesome computer games? How long until were no longer funny but embarrassing? Not long I bet...
    And once I let go of all the things I 'should' be doing (mostly the 'shoulds' involved housework) and joined in, I remembered how much fun it was hanging out with them all day. I used to do it all the time before they started school. And I loved it then too. Plus the more I played with them the better their behaviour was. And the more they hugged me and told me randomly that they loved me. Lucas does this a lot. 'Um mummy...I love you.' They are older now too so we can have actual conversations that make sense.
We had a superhero day...

We played in the garden...
We went to the park...

We took loads of walks and talked about everything from nature to why poo is a funny word. It just is. We drew pictures and made comic books.We worked out how to make those damn loom band bracelets (Thank you You Tube I realise we are late to the party)
Had our first outdoor fire of the year in new handmade fire pit....

We went for after dinner walks before bed...
Nana came up and treated us to Dudley zoo which was also so much fun...

I didn't take my camera because I was enjoying being right there with them rather that looking for the next great shot. The boys are so much easier now. They didn't run off.

Isaac asked so many clever animal questions. I watched him easily make friends with a few kids at the zoo playground. He is so confident and grown up now. I felt so proud of them both.
Little monkeys...

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Langford Lowfields

Over Easter we visited Tim's parents. When we stay there we often go to this beautiful nature reserve. These two love going there...
It's pretty...
With a lot of wildlife...
And Swans that definitely flirt with us...
No Ugly Ducklings here...
There was a lot of birds fighting... 
Isaac informed us that 'oh it's probably over a girl...'
hmm I think he might be right. For the boys however the best bit about the whole place is 'the wobbly bridge!!!' Every few minutes or so as we walked along, taking in the general splendour, they were at me. Checking once again that we were going to the wobbly bridge. 
'Are we going to the wobbly Bridge?
But we are definitely going Mummy? 
I just said yes.
You know?... 
The bridge that wobbles...
YES! We are going to the wobbly bridge!
*give it a few minutes then repeat*
I mean I get it. It's a fun bridge that wobbles and stuff...
What's not to love?
Even without the bridge and the beautiful yet slightly aggressive birds, it is just stunning...
And we'll see it again soon I'm sure...
Especially if these two monkeys have anything to say about it...

Thursday 9 April 2015

That Spring feeling

It happens every year. I might be messy and chaotic because.Well... because of who I am as a person. But i'm predictable too. Because I've got that Spring feeling...

The sun finally comes out, the blossom opens up, I eye other peoples colourful gardens studiously, and I try get my bare hands in the soil at every possible moment.

And I get so excited about everything. I make a million plans. I fall asleep achy but with a smile on my face. Spring is loaded with potential.
It's full of hope. It's about change. And it's so damn beautiful.

Saturday 4 April 2015

Little things I'm loving at the moment...

Changeable Spring weather, it can't make up it's mind...

 (I could do with some more sun though, so come on weather gods do your thing...) Comic Con Cardiff with my Dad. It was awesome...
Where's Wally...?
Easter preparations...
Easter crafts for school...

Seriously this is all my kids idea, I was only allowed to glue, how cute is it?
These... No explanation needed right?

Dying eggs...
We used natural dye, leaves from the garden and tights to make these eggs this year. With varying results...
(also can you spot the shape that totally looks like a bird?)

How we did it...

What you need:

Happy Easter Everyone...