Monday 31 March 2014

Things I'm loving at the moment...

Early morning skies...
I wish I could always be a morning person but 'Spring just before the clocks change' is the only time I manage it. It's wonderful while it lasts. Spring, did I mention I quite like Spring...?
Just a few billion times huh?
 “Spring is the time of year when it is summer in the sun and winter in the shade.” 
― Charles DickensGreat Expectations
No kidding! Check out the hail stones that fell on the summer chairs (that I had put out prematurely on the decking). Again my opposite powers at work.

Loving water droplets on, well anything. They look like little gems...
Add reflections to the droplets thing and we've got ourselves a party...
Stumbling across this unusually calm bedroom scene one morning...

This incredibly angelic face...
This incredibly cheeky face...

My Mothers day stuff...
On the morning of mothers day I got breakfast in bed. The boys bounced around me like tiggers and Isaac asked what I wanted to do in the day. I answered that what I really wanted was to do some gardening. Isaac was seriously unimpressed saying we should go somewhere exciting. But that is what I really wanted. And it is what I did for most of the day while the boys played jungle around me. It was bliss and now everything hurts. Totally worth it. Tim also asked me on mothers day what I wanted him to cook for me, anything I like he said. hmm I opted for one of his to die for homemade pizzas. He made me two pizzas because food is his superpower.
BBQ chicken with low fat mozzarella
And a seafood pizza with sweetcorn and low fat mozzarella...

I think I need to make him a cape too...
Also loving the return of movie night...
Which is as much for me as it was them. 

Lastly as always I'm loving sunsets...

Friday 21 March 2014

Not quite green fingers...yet.

I'm new to the gardening thing and as of yet i'm not very good at it.

I can never remember the names of the plants or the important care details like what to feed them and when to prune.I approach it like I approach everything. With big burst of energy spending days on it, changing it up, planting new things, making it perfect then neglecting it for weeks and wondering why the heck there are weeds everywhere...?But like everything else each year I get a little better. And I love it a little more.And I am learning little and often works well in the garden as it does everywhere else in my life. Little and often, little and often, little and often.Just trying to imprint it in my brain.The front garden of this house has always irritated me. The previous owners covered the whole thing with ugly stones...
Oh and the weeds. Lets not forget them. Every time I looked at those ugly stones that get everywhere I grew more frustrated...

Argh!It would cost too much to get drive way paved over or concreted. It would take too much time to removed all those goddamn stones. Plus I read somewhere that concreting your driveway completely can effect the moisture levels of your back garden. What to do..?Last year we got a skip and finally went to battle with those stones. We bought a load of compost, I stole some rocks from the hills of Wales last year (as you do) and created a small garden...

I also made a small feature from the crazy amount of large round stones we keep discovering in the soil...

I'm starting to like the whole use what you already have philosophy...By the summer it looked like this...

Much better.This year after stealing a few more rocks from the woods by our house (I think its becoming a problem...) and adding a few more plants it's hopefully improving...

I keep looking out of the window in anticipation, willing it all to grow. I think I have patience issues.
I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait.Grow grow grow. Telepathy works on plants right?

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Spring and good things around the corner...

I'm feeling good.I'm feeling optimistic.Everything is making me happy and I barely have time to photograph it for you.I am full of energy. I wake up early full of plans and raring to go...

This weekend was so sunny and warm and I was literally bursting with gardening plans. Tim came out while I was furiously digging the front garden and said 'You know its only 8 in the morning right??' I can't help it. I'm so sore and tired at the end of the day that I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. And I'm still smiling.
I'm up in the clouds like a happy balloon swaying this way and that on a windy day. Oh I know it won't last.The clocks will change and waking up early will hurt again. The rain will return probably for weeks knowing England.My laundry will own me again. But I don't care because for now it is good.

And swinging from one extreme to the other?Well it's just what I do x

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Little things

Things I'm loving at the moment...
Blue skies and an unexpected warm spell...
Spring starting in my garden...
Leading to some much missed gardening...
Pancake Sunday because that never gets old...

Sunday 2 March 2014

Things to do at the beach when its winter...

Wrap up warm...

Eat sand sandwiches. Come on just one bite..

Ride the tracks...

Make pictures in the sand (perfect for Instagram)...

Take part in rough brotherly displays of affection...

Face off with the sea...
Challenge accepted...
Is that all you got..?

P.S. The sea always wins in the end...

Chase the poor unsuspecting birds who expect to be left alone this time of year...

Obligatory arm stretch as proof of awesome time (perfect for Facebook)...

Dramatically gaze at the sea thinking about how you kind of love your life.

Not forgetting the long far away shot with Daddy...

Simple as.