Monday 20 June 2011

Daddy's Day

So we had a great day yesterday. Daddy Day treat number 1 was a sleep in. Once you have children sleep ins are like gold right? I had this big plan of breakfast in bed with children bounding on the bed smothering daddy with hugs and kisses. Which would obviously be Daddy treat number 2. If I could just remember how to boil an egg...
    What you say? You cant boil an egg. I can probably, I've just forgotten. Daddy normally does the cooking. He's like a cooking genius so I have lost the ability to cook since meeting him (unless its the sweet stuff). 
    Anyway my great plan was foiled when Daddy came down stairs early! Seriously? I would have faked sleeping in even if I woke too early...
No worries though I still made him an awesome breakfast, it just wasn't eaten in bed.
 It was hard for Daddy to relax during breakfast though as certain little people were plotting to swipe it when daddy wasn't looking. Swiper no swiping!

 Daddy treat number 3, homemade cards

As you know we are all about the food in this house and what's a Fathers day without a BBQ for lunch! Before you say I should have been cooking that while he puts his feet up let me just say:
1. It's safer for everyone this way.
2. What man doesn't love cooking meat over a fire? In fact seconds after this photo was taken he started beating his chest Gorilla style. The likeness was uncanny...

And it was yummy!

 Daddy treat number 4...

Oh and treat number 5 Which I actually baked! All by my self. Without burning down the kitchen. Look at me I'm growing...
My first ever Berry Crumb cake. The recipe was found over at Creative Mama 

Then we went over to a near by park for a run around.

 Aw Isaac has worn Daddy out...
Playing and fruit picking in the Garden

lost raspberry?
 It's okay he found some more...

 Cuddles in the garden...

You know when I first met Tim I knew he would be a good dad. I wasn't sure how I'd do as a mummy but Tim? I had him down. And just look at the beautiful boys we made...

And Tim really is the Daddy I knew he would be.

Happy Fathers Day Daddy x