
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” 
― Hippocrates

I have always loved food. 

I have always hated diets.

I love talking about food, thinking about food and of course eating food.

However almost two years ago my gallbladder started making noise. I am now intolerant to fatty foods especially processed food. Eating the wrong thing makes me sick, bloated and exhausted. I drastically changed my diet.

I was not interested in juicing or fasting at all but I started to wonder. Can I change my health? Can I make my self better?

I did start juicing a little and I get such a huge surge of energy from them. I cut out most meat except chicken or turkey without skin. I balance very carefully healthy fats. Avocados, smoked salmon, walnuts, dark chocolate, coconut oil are my new best friends. But I still have to be careful how much I eat of them. I'm constantly searching for recipes. I'm experimenting with soups and salads. My taste buds have completely changed. I have a bit more energy. I get less colds and flu.

Its not all fixed though. Sometimes it feels like one step forward and two steps back.


I'm not interested in losing weight or extreme fad diets that don't work.
I'm interested in being healthy and strong.
I'm interested in whole unprocessed real food.

It turns out I'm still all about food. But this time it's good food.

And I have so much to learn. Tips are welcome/needed. Click on the picture link for recipes that are helping me be healthier (hopefully with more to come...)

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