Monday 25 April 2011

Finally home

Were back from holiday! Were home in our new house and we are tired. It's good though, its all very good. 

So very good...
After over 2 months over living with my parents our house is finally finished, (well very nearly anyway). Enough for us to move back in at least. And It's better than I could have imagined. I may as well have shouted 'Move that bus!' to Ty while dropping to my knees in dramatic Extreme Makeover style because my house is so amazing. Its so different I feels like I've moved house. Going on holiday and moving back in has meant I haven't been able to blog in AGES and I missed it more than I expected. And I have so much to show you! Like seriously over a 1000 pictures. It may take me a while to get you up to speed. In fact I feel a little overwhelmed at the prospect so today I'll just share our Easter weekend...
Which means leaving you in suspense a little longer...
But if you look carefully you'll see some of the new house in the background...
So let me just say...

First thing in the morning sporting bed hair and PJ's we crept out into the garden to see if the Easter bunny had been...

There was a pressy under the tree and little eggs hidden in the jungle that was once our garden. (Its been 2 months people...)And in those little eggs was some little friends with of course little chocolate eggs...
Isaac got really into it..
Actually so did Lucas despite how sleepy he looks, its like 6.30 in the morning...

 Lucas liked to eat the drawing chalk rather than draw with it which is just as we expected...

 Then after all that chocolate we had a big Easter breakfast, we are all about the food you know...(psst check out new breakfast eating area!...)

Then Nana and Grampy arrived just in time for more Easter activities...

But first things first for the adults...

Before and after Egg dying...
First time I've done that by the way no idea if I did it right, they changed colour a bit which is the point right? Then we ate the eggs, you know like an afterbreakfast/before snack time snack...

Isaac seems to be trying a new facial hair look...

Then time to make chocolate birds nests...
 Can you tell I used to be a primary school teacher?

After eating more chocolate than we used we got ready for Hubbys Easter Feast...yum

As I said we are all about the food...
    After eating our own weight in food we rather cruelly put my poor parents to work on our house. My mum tackled the jungle garden, my dad putting up curtain rails and blinds, while me and hubby were sanding and varnishing a bed for Isaac. (Photos to come soon)
    So Happy Easter everyone, there is so much more to come but right now i'm unpacking. I can't remember where we packed away the iron... (not on purpose, honest) and wondering if hubby can be trusted to put up the new coat pegs (hes not so good with the DIY...)


  1. Congrats on the "new" home! SO exciting to move back in after a renovation! Looks like you enjoyed your Easter, too! Good luck settling back in!


  2. congrats on the new home. love love the images.
