Monday 4 April 2011

Mothers day Weekend

Happy Mothers Day Mammas!

These days, with us staying with my parents and Hubby living in the building site that was once our house, Friday has become real important.

I clean, we play, we watch kiddie films, we wait...

It's become the best day of the week.

Then Daddy arrives! And this weekend we were all healthy (for a change). No runny noses, no coughs, no ear ache, no knackered mummy...

In no time at all we were playing in the garden with a rugby ball (of course).

Well I say 'we' but actually I was taking photos, the boys were playing with the flowers while daddy desperately tried to get them to play with him...

Someone play with Daddy for God's sake...

In desperation Daddy plays with himself so to speak...
Eventually they show some interest...
Tears when you get hit in the head with Daddy's rugby ball *sigh*
Still best day of the week no contest.

More Mothers day fun to come...


  1. Happy mothers day Sian! Looks like you had such a nice weekend with your family!


  2. My best day of the week to. Awesome post!
