Saturday 27 August 2011

Movie night!

There's this thing we do once a month that we love...
It totally rocks.

Hubby makes homemade pizza...

 Even more after...

We make popcorn in the microwave...

Me and a certain little helper make smoothies...

 Seriously good...

The boys get to choose a movie for them to watch.

Last night was...well you can see for yourself...

It was a big hit with the boys...


  1. Absolutely lovely evening! Great photos to accompany too. Home made pizza looks so yummy. Greatly post!

  2. SO much fun! That pizza and smoothy look delicious and I totally have those glasses, IKEA right? Thanks for the Red Riding Hood review too - was curious to see what someone thought!

  3. lovely... the pizza looked so good... wish we could be neighbours ;)
