Tuesday 27 September 2011

Birthday at Thomas Land!

A couple of weeks ago Lucas turned 2 years old (I'm a tad behind posting wise clearly).
I'm not sure how that happened, I'm sure I only just popped him out, so to speak. Anyway 'somehow' he turned 2 and we celebrated the only way we knew how...

Drayton Manor baby!!!

Thomas Land at Drayton Manor to be precise...

It was all kinds of fun...
The teddy on our backpack was Betty the bear from Isaac's preschool. You can take her on trips and holidays with you, and put photos of her in a book doing all these fun things. Although hubby assured me she was roped on really tightly I spent a large majority of the time panicking that we would leave the bag on a ride somewhere. That would be such an 'us' thing to do, you know? But amazingly she survived the day. She is more traveled than anyone I know that bear. Not much of a talker though. We took a ride on Thomas of course...

We are so in with the drivers...

Mainly because we were willing to snitch on any trains sleeping on the job...

We rode the gnarly roller coasters.

And yes Betty is up there too...

We also did a spot of flying, as you do...
Then we decided to check out the zoo part of Drayton Manor. But even before that, we made a quick stop on the nearby pirate ship...
You know to catch a little something for lunch...
While Isaac sorted lunch I got into it with a moody duck over Crispy aromatic duck with Chinese pancakes. Which I think you would all agree is to die for delicious and wouldn't work with another type of meat as a substitute... 
 What?! He started it...
Geez...anyway back to the zoo...

Now the zoo was pretty good but I have to say some of the cages were way too small with animals looking less that happy with their surroundings. Drayton Manor is so awesome in other ways surely this could be rectified. Still we enjoyed getting up close and personal with the animal dudes. I promise I was more polite than I was to duck face earlier. Actually I got positively star struck being so close to some of them...(probably because the cages were so small, last time I mention it promise)

 The penguins totally gave us the cold shoulder...
And these guys? Well they kind of just clung to each other, desperately hoping for someone to recognise the poor decor... (oops couldn't help myself)
Whats that you say?! 
This lady got sick on a baby ride?...
I don't buy it...

Remember I said about being star struck well we were stood right next to this dude...
We were so close to him. In fact if I was stupid I could have reached through the bars with my freakishly miniature hand and touched him. Luckily I am neither stupid or miniature so my hand remains in tact. 

Seriously he was so beautiful, my photos don't do him justice. At least I think he was a 'he', it seemed rude to check you know... 

Anyway he was pacing and roaring which was both unnerving and awesome. 
*Whispers* he's probably pacing due to the smallness of his cage... Absolutely last time I mention it.

Anyway there were the usual signs that we should make a move and head on home...
So it was back to ours for birthday cake...

Happy Birthday little man x

Poor McQueen, he never saw it coming...

NB: Upon reading this post my brother has helpfully corrected that duck face is a goose not a duck. Hmm no wonder we got into it, stupid duck face goose. I should have mentioned Christmas...


  1. What a lovely day out! Cake looks extra yummy too!:)

  2. Oh wow super cool animl shots you got there !! that tiger shot is wonderful... so strong and purposeful.
    Awww and the kiddie shots are adorable... you handle your camera well and tke lovely candid shots, something I have to work on.
    When my nathan was 2 or three we took him to Gullivers World to experience something similar. And yes i too would feel a little queezy on the kiddie rides... but *Shhhuuuuuush* we won't mention that I went green on the pirate ship and my of screamed a little.
    wonderful blog post !

  3. What a fun birthday! That place looks amazing! Hope he had the best 2nd birthday ever!

  4. Happy birthday, Lucas! Zomgs, Rilo would be so jealous. He is *obsessed* with Thomas right now.
    And hey Sian, I've heard some things about that zoo and was wondering - how do you feel about the actual size of the cages? Because it was a tad unclear. lol Poor sad monkeys in tiny cages.

  5. love all ur pictures<3<3<3 & super cool cake!!

  6. Happy birthday to Lucas! Wow 2 already!
    Oh I used to love Drayton Manor Park and the buffalo ride (it's probably not there anymore!)
    haha the picture of the duck made me crack up at work! Glad you all had a good day out :) xo
