Thursday 29 September 2011

Summer Fling

I'm pretty fickle. Each season I'm like 'This is so beautiful! Yep this is definitely my favourite season! No question...that is until the next season puts on it's show. Then I cheat on the previous season shamelessly. So I have to say I have no favourite season. I love them all the best. Just don't tell each of them about the others okay?
    This time however I was really sad to see summer go. It felt like the day it turned September Summer abruptly ended. Just up and left, no goodbye or nothing.  I don't ever remember it being so obvious in the past but then I think I pay more attention now. Looking at the leaves turning brown I was like 'nonono it's not time for that yet! Get your green back on!' Summer dumped me so to speak and I was sad.
   However this week summer gave us a little treat, a leaving gift if you will. Unbelievably we have a heatwave in England this week. And its a scorcher. Summer is saying to the beautiful seductive Autumn 'I ain't finished yet so you just hold your horses'. And I already packed away my shorts and flip flops!
    So we have been soaking it up literally...
 That's right it was so hot we got the paddling pool out!

Look at this little pouter...
There were the usual arguments over toys (which is probably the root of all the pouting)...

But the sun was warm and the water refreshingly cool. And we had us some fun...

 Everyone joined in...

Okay Summer you made your point....

Happy last summer fling everybody.


  1. The weather's beautiful isn't it! I knew summer would turn up in the end! I am however trying to ignore the news report I just read that said it might snow in October!!!

  2. yeah... Paddling Pools! I want an adult one... i wanna shamelessly splash about and play with water and slide down slides... *sighs*
    Boy was it warm today, gorgeous ! Im loving this late summer burst.
    Gorgeous pics of The Boy... in some pics the sun flare make it look like there is a halo. awwww...
    Jenn x

  3. Great shots! I wish it was warm enough here to get into the paddling pool with the kids!
