Thursday 19 January 2012

We got us some winter!

    About freaking time winter!
Luckily it was Saturday so we got all bundled up and headed to a nearby park for the morning. I don't think I need to tell you I took way too many pictures. 270 to be precise. Once again you may need to take mini-eye breaks every few minutes to prevent eye strain...

The morning light was insanely good...
    Isaac didn't know what to make of it. He was like 'this is great but where's the snow?'
    He got into it though...
    Lucas was digging it too...
    How are those eyes doing...
Check out my new snow boots. They were a necessary purchase as my old boots died on me. When it rained it was like trying to walking in two buckets of water. I heart these toasty babies...
    Even the people without awesome new boots were over excited...
Then we went to feed the ducks. As always when I'm around ducks/animals in general get frisky. It's a strange and worrying gift that I have.

Being stalked to the waters edge...
    Easy now, there's enough of me to go around...
    Yes I noticed you Swanny...
   Then up the hill for a walk in the woods...
    Textures everywhere...
Fallen trees to explore...
    A perfect Saturday morning.


  1. Brrrr, that looks so cold. Beautiful... but cold!

  2. yep we are seperated at birth me thinks.... my blogging soul mate. It's like we live parallel lives *giggles*. THANK YOU so much for mentioning me in your blog. ;-)
    Frost is beautiful isn't it, really? bad weather makes for adventures though right? Especially with children. Super family shots.
    Jennie. x
    p.s But what we REALLY want is snow, right? ;-D

  3. LOL@open to bribes.
    this pictures are great.I love seeing the other side of the pond through your eyes. Thanks for the award dear friend. have a great weekend.

  4. thank you:) so sweet!!!
    xo heidi

  5. You brighten my day and I SO wish we could hang out! I love all these pics and I love that you're finally getting a bit of the winter you've been craving. I'm pulling for snow:)

  6. Aww great pics!! The up close ones of the frost are actually really pretty..
