Monday 15 July 2013

Big Brother

My big brother came to visit us in England from Seattle recently after what felt like way too long. But then as soon as he was standing in my house it felt like it had been no time at all. In a good it's like we've never been apart way.

We are so different and yet in many ways we are exactly the same. It's a comfortable place to be.

It was good to hang out, to talk without a computer screen in the middle. To run alongside each other...

Sort of...

To be forced into bird watching every spare moment...

There is probably a bird in there somewhere right? To drink good beer and eat an obscene amount of food...
We Robinsons are ALL about the food. Mostly though, I enjoyed watching him gain hero status in the eyes of my children who previously had only seen him handful of times...

Maybe next time big brother, i'll see you in Seattle. 
I really hope so...


  1. So glad you had a nice visit!!

  2. Lovely. It's so hard when family is spread out all over the world. Glad you got some quality time in.

  3. great pictures and I love your brother's t-shirt :)

  4. I love the shot of Mark and the boys. I find it wonderful that children are so willing to throw their love at someone they have only met a few times because they know their mummy trusts them. Ruth x

    1. Thanks Ruth. I know I thought exactly the same! x

  5. Aw, that's nice! And your bro is a serious hottie;)
    If you ever come to Seattle, I'll make the three hour drive just to take you out for a coffee and a pastry. Or I'll bring Bubs and the boys can run wild in Greenlake Park. Doo eet.

  6. Awwww adorable photos! Summers just bring families together, don't they? If you come down to Seattle then you should DEFINITELY come down to California too and do a Disneyland trip. I will join you there with my 3 little ones!

    1. actually we have talked about doing that at some point and I would love to see you!!! xxx

    2. Me too. It's a deal! We totally have to meet up if your around :)

  7. so yeah he is a sucks seattle is so far from me... you are killing me.

    1. I have a feeling i'll find my way over to you some day xxx
