Tuesday 17 May 2011

Flower Power

It seems I'm all about plants at the moment huh? Well this post is no exception. I don't know what it is. Maybe the unusually warm weather this spring has had me outside more. Or the fact that for the first time in a while I'm not either pregnant or have a little baby waking me up every 2 hours. Its a whole new world people! They are both bigger now, both running around, both starting to play together (sort of), both sleeping through the night. That's right finally after feeling like I haven't slept for 3 years I'm finally getting me some sleep. Maybe I'm actually awake enough to see what's around me more.
Whatever it is, it's good.
So last weekend with Grandparents we went to see some beautiful woods that were completely covered in a blanket of bluebells...

They were apparently past their best after heavy rain but I was still loving them...

The boys enjoyed just exploring...

It's possible I got a little carried away taking photos... (nothing new there then). Even caught hubby looking like he needs the toilet or something...
Um there's plenty of bushes you could make use of...

Just try to avoid the pretty flowers...

Or a cool hiding place...just as long as its not already occupied...

It wasn't long before we let the little one loose...

More pretty stuff...

Trees are pretty cool things huh?

But alas eventually we had to go home. Which still didn't stop me...

Also check this proper toy story cloud. Or am I a tad obsessed...?


  1. That second to last shot, where it's all focused and blurry and magical - loves it!
    As well as the blurry shot of the foliage/trees from the car in your post the other day which I tried to comment on but Blogger had gone crash, boom. Cursed Blogger!

  2. Those blue bells are beautiful! And I love their hats, so charming in them! Those clouds are stunning too!

  3. i agree the blurred image is fantastic and the clouds are awesome. i love the way you tell a story through your images.

  4. Wow. What a great collection of pics. Love this time of year when there is so much beautiful new life.

  5. Terrific wordless wednesday work!!

    Glad to be following you now...

  6. love love these images and I too wish to hide inside the tree trunk so magical... love seeing the world through your eyes.

  7. Toy story clouds:)
    Love the woods so much wild flowers that is amazing.

  8. thank you for your visit and nice words. Time with grandparents - priceless :) keep on creating this priceless memories with your camera. Enjoy
