Monday 2 May 2011

Holiday Part III

If you have read part I and part II you will know that this particular holiday is in a beautiful place up North called Sea Houses. On this day I was up yet again at 6am.  Blurry eyed I captured the sun rising again through the window while I whispered to Isaac that today we were going on a boat to see some Puffins. 'PUFFINS! WOW!' he exclaims probably waking everyone one else up. 'Shh' I say 'Yes real Puffins' (and on a boat for the very first time for him no less).
We were going to The Farne Islands on a boat to see some birds and hopefully some of these birds would be puffins. Hubby was beyond excited. Now I'm no bird watcher like my brother or my husband. I like birds. I think they are pretty and fun to photograph but that's as far as it goes. I struggle to remember all their names (Percy, Bill etc...). However just like my duck experience, after this day I realise its possible I missing out. Trust me on this one...

Isaac loved the boat ride sitting on Grandmas lap and went nuts for the lighthouse. (Lucas cried the whole time but lets skip past that shall we...)

There were just a 'few' birds on these Islands...
Um are you kidding me?
Seriously it's worse than a line at Alton Towers with a lot more poop... 

Some Guillemots daring each other to go Cliff Diving... 

Location, Location, location. If it wasn't for all the poop this beach side property would be worth a fortune...

You got to feel for the lone bird trying unsucessfully to start a Mexican Wave...

 The location also boasts a very, very modest airport...
 Before we got to walk on the island look what else we got to see!!
 Why hello there little dude...
 Hubby even had a go at photographing some birds...
 Alright lucky shot, this is pretty awesome I suppose.

On the island, look how excited Hubby is? No Puffins in sight just yet...

 OH there's one! oops look like we disturbed him on the toilet...
 There were a few more...

These are apparently called Shags (unless hubby is messing with me) and they proceeded to get into a domestic about who had that spot first...
 One of them went all Matrix style on the other ones ass. Whoopa!
There were some serious overcrowding issues. Nowhere to run if some lets out a stinky one...

 Back to Puffin stalking...
 Oh the the money shot!
Some Razorbills getting their groove on...
 'ooh yeah thats the spot...'
 And they weren't the only ones...

 It was a beautiful Island we were all quite simply stunned...

The next day was also pretty darn good too...
In the morning I had a date with my first born. Just me and him which is a rare event lately. It was all foggy and quiet. After a short walk we found a little secluded beach to hang out on.

We both worked hard building sand castles...

Okay so mostly I watched him and took photos. It was one of those reflective moments when you think I must soak this moment up. Its one of those times I'll think back to and long for when he is older...

Exploring the rock pools

Then some digging of stones

Time slips through our fingers so quickly, soak it up...

Later that day we did some exploring around Banburgh Castle. It was also pretty cool.

 Guarded by some little soldiers...
 This photo cracks me up no end...

Sorry for such a long post but it was a great holiday  and I wanted to show you so much. We even took a little souvenir home with us...


  1. wow, holy beautiful and amazing vacation. those photos?!!! amazing. you did a great job. the

    the sand through hand photo....LOVE IT!!!

  2. A seriously brilliant blog post. And some awesome shots. Quite jealous.

  3. You got some great, great, photos! I love the Puffins!
