Monday 14 November 2011

Chicken Pox and movies...

I'm behind with my posts. 
I think you'll understand why...
Yep. The dreaded Pox! Chicken that is...

Poor little man has been so poorly. Believe it or not I took this photo before the spots got really bad. Big brother got it first and had no trouble. His spots are almost completely gone now. Lucas on the other hand is completely covered. Its like they all ganged up and said 'hey I know, lets all become one big painful spot!...and while we are at it, make sure we get right in the ears, on top of the eyes lids, everywhere! Lucas hasn't been able to sleep, eat and has been in my arms permanently. It's been a tough week but today he finally seems to be feeling better.

So I think I'll do a short post today about our recent (pre-chicken pox) movie night...

Which means a little of this...
    Alot of this...

   And way too much of this...
I was dropping heavy hints all day for the boys to choose 'How to Train your dragon' because lets face it, it's awesome! 
But they didn't go for it. Instead they choose this...
I wasn't convinced by the choice but it was actually pretty good.

    Isaac imposing the 'I'm not sharing get your own popcorn' rule...
    Lucas assured me not to worry it would be a happy ending. Which it was *phew*

Then a little wrestle before bed. You know, to wind them down ready for sleep....


  1. Poor baby :-(

    Movie night looked very fun!

    I found you through where have all the hobo's gone.


  2. LOOOOOVE Mark Wahlberg... gaaah. Must get that film then!
    Ohhhh Sian i have to say those chicky spots look mean. But you are such a good mummy. I hope you and your family are fighting fit. xx

  3. Aww. Sorry he got the pox. :( That pizza looks delish.

  4. Been wondering about you, but now I get it. Yikes! Poor little dude, that looks painful!
    I also think I'd be willing to travel all the way to England for a slice of that pizza. Seriously.

  5. Wow. He really got it good, eh? Poor little man, I hope he is much, much better now. <3 Tell him we all love him like crazy, hopefully good thoughts from all over this crazy world will help him heal.

  6. Oh dear!! I had the pox as a child, no fun! Hope you're all on the mend and enjoying the movies!

  7. Oh no not the pox! Poor things. Hope they feel better soon!
    Siany - you need to watch The Town if you haven't already...another great Boston movie with Ben Affleck mmmm.

  8. Ooo, that does look itchy poor thing xxx

  9. New to your blog-- how sad is that!! I was wondering if they had the chicken pox vaccine? I was always curious if kids really could get a vaccine that would keep them from coming b/c then I see people having pox parties to get it and get it over with-- i'm so glad I don't remember having it when I was a kid but have a few scars as a reminder.. so sad when they are sick or feeling down but its the best cuddle time for mom!! :)

  10. Thanks everyone! Lucas is doing so much better. He still looks like a giant dot to dot but he is much better ;)

  11. oh my actual goodness me!! poor little chap ...
