Thursday 3 March 2011

House Update

Me and the boys have been living with my parents for nearly a week while builders are extending our house. Apparently the builders are working quickly and hubby sent me some photos to keep me updated. 

These photos are probably only exciting to me but still. As for us, it was a rocky start at my parents as we all came back from a week at the beach with stinking colds. These colds we quickly and kindly passed onto my parents. (its rude to turn up without a gift right?) So everyone in the household was feeling lousy and snotty.  And Lucas was waking every couple of hours in the night crying because he couldn't breath properly. This wasn't much fun especially when you couldn't say to your hubby 'its your turn to get him...' However we have quickly recovered (except my dad *oops*) and I think the boys are really enjoying their temporary home where Nana and Grampy are spoiling them at every given moment.

New boundaries to conquer 
Flowers to plant in Nana's garden
Crazy big headphones to wear...
Different footwear to try out
Jungles to explore
Different terrains for toys to drive on...
 Yesterday while desperately trying to stop constant wrestling/fighting between the boys I miraculously declared a full bill of health and took them for a walk not far from our house. (You know they are better when resume killing each other every 5 minutes.)

Spring is trying to make an appearance so obviously I got carried away taking photos. I just wished the sun would come out and make everything more pretty.

 Lucas was all like 'get on with it mummy I want to get walking...'
 I'm like 'Yeah but look!'

 Isaac used the 'wait for mummy to finish obsessing over the green stuff time' to fashion himself a walking stick...

 And we definitely did not get lost this time...


  1. What great pics! Love, love, love the last one! Looks magical. And I agree, I am ready for Spring, but we still have some snow (okay, like a foot) that has to melt! Good luck with the renovations!


  2. The pictures of your son are so sweet. But those flowers!!! I'm green with envy!!!

  3. Your boys are beautiful. I hope the expansion project goes without a hitch!

    Your WW is fabulous.

  4. I am suddenly taken back to my visits to England as a child. I am so silly, and jealous, that you're British and I'm not, and I am stuck in the ugly US! These photos are lovely. oh, so green! Your boys are adorable!
